How to set an axis in “stand-by”
During the machine shakedown, there are often motors to be installed or connected. In this case the drive does not detect the installed motor and generates a non-resettable alarm; as a result, the PPC programme cannot
run. The “Command Parking Axis” instruction solves this problem by setting the drive in “PA” mode. The drive will not check if the motor is connected and no alarm will be generated. To set the drive in “stand-by” mode, enter an icon in Visual Motion 10 and download it again. Open the program and select the Initialization Task in the upper-left side of the screen.
Select the icon in the bottom left side, as shown in the figure below:
This icon can be used to initialise the parameter. When the icon gets blue, go to the right-hand side of the screen, where the Initialization Task icons are. Left-click after the “Start” icon to place it on the screen.
After placing the icon, the set-up window will automatically open:
Dot the “Drive S” circle. Click “…” on the right-hand side of the drive selection window. A new screen will be displayed where the drive to be set in stand-by mode can be selected. Select the “Constants” folder and click on the axis to be set in stand-by mode, e.g. axis 8:
The parameter number and the value must be entered. Type 139 in the “Parameter ID Number” field and 3 in the “Source” field.
The icon configuration is now complete. Click “OK” to close the window Close the flow between the icons of the Initialization Task by choosing the relevant tool in the top part of the Visual Motion 10 screen:
Connect the start icon with the added one and the latter with the “VM” icon by left clicking on them.
We are now ready to download the edited program. Set the program in “Parameter Mode” and go online to download the program. When the axis 8 motor is connected to its drive, delete the icon added in the Initialization Task to set it in stand-by mode and download the program again.
To finalise the change, disconnect the 24VDC drive power supply and reconnect it after a few seconds, i.e. switch off the drive electronics and switch it on again to clear “PA” from the display.